How many teams should make Season #13 Playoffs? (85 votes)
63.5% Top 8 Teams!
36.5% All 12 Teams!
Who's posts do/did you look forward to most? (1 votes)
0% Invisible Man
0% Pissclams
Did you make a New Year's Resolution? (72 votes)
23.6% Yes
76.4% No
Would You Support Leagues Going To 5 on 5? (493 votes)
39.4% Yes
60.6% No
Do you think the Gamecloud servers should be passworded? (105 votes)
90.5% Yes, bring back REAL pubs!!
9.5% No, dm_base 4 lyfe!!11
Which Map Would You Rather Play in Preseason? (110 votes)
50.9% Final Stand
49.1% Bunker
What is the best match in RtCW history? (157 votes)
23.6% Narf vs FX, finals on ice!
9.6% Narf vs dT, finals on beach (CAL)!
10.2% a| vs Drs, finals on assault!
2.5% Darkside vs Drs, BoB finals on beach!
19.7% Drs vs iN, qcon2k2 finals on ice!
3.8% wSw vs a|, semi-finals on base!
10.2% Darkside vs -a-, BoB2 on base!
8.9% Frontline vs GMPO, qcon2k3 on ice!
2.5% Darkside vs dT, round 1 on beach!
8.9% Darkside vs dT, ice, trans, pistol, nuff said!
Would You Play in a 3v3 Ladder (300 votes)
48.7% Yes, bring it beyotch!
51.3% No, I hate my teammates enough already!
Which match should WarWitch Shoutcast? (122 votes)
28.7% D|S vs Excal
71.3% Scourge vs sMn
What should the PF limit be set at for next season (215 votes)
70.7% 1
29.3% 2
Team Special America. Very Special

Irc Channel: irc.gamesurge.net, #PlanetRTCW
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